UK dealers ‘three to five years’ behind US counterparts in data marketing

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UK dealers are losing millions in revenues because of inaccurate and out of date customer records.

That’s the view of Auto Data Solutions), after analysing UK dealer databases and comparing them to their US counterparts.

In one recent dealer group database analysis ADS found that 12% of customer plate changes had not been recorded.

In this case the dealer had cleansed its customer data but then failed to update their systems for 12 months.

ADS contrasts UK motor retail with the approach of the grocery sector in Britain and the data-led marketing of American dealers, estimating that marketing efforts in Britain are between three and five years behind the US.

It said the key issue is the lack of connectivity between multiple databases in the typical dealership – a problem already widely overcome in the US by implementing a ‘single point of truth’ through dedicated Customer Database Platforms (CDPs).

In Britain, customer information is typically spread between a Dealer Management System (DMS), a Showroom System, an Aftersales Booking System, a CRM system and ad hoc databases such as website sign-up lists for newsletters. Some dealer groups even run multiple DMS, often containing misaligned data.

It means that even when customer details are updated in one place they often remain incorrect in other systems.

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